The Crocodile River
The Crocodile River is the intriguing tale of the life of Pauline Magosvongwe, an ordinary woman who goes on to lead an extraordinary life. Born in a small town in the then colonial Rhodesia, she ends up in the bright, enchanting lights of the United States through a journey filled with a mix of miracles, sadness, but most of all, hope, as she overcomes difficult and sometimes life-threatening circumstances.
Published: 5 November 2022
Page count: 184
Book dimensions: 5.060" x 7.810"
Cover finish: Matte
Interior colour: Black & White on groundwood paper
“…In the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is still a beautiful world.”
– Desiderata
The Crocodile River is the intriguing tale of the life of Pauline Magosvongwe, an ordinary woman who goes on to lead an extraordinary life. Born in a small town in the then colonial Rhodesia, she ends up in the bright, enchanting lights of the United States through a journey filled with a mix of miracles, sadness, but most of all, hope, as she overcomes difficult and sometimes life-threatening circumstances.
Her story simultaneously serves as a historical account of pre-colonial Zimbabwe, backdropped by the social issues that she faced as a young black woman in white minority-ruled Zimbabwe.
A gripping adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish, Pauline’s life is not only awe-inspiring but a lesson in faith and how it can shape one’s life.
Paperback: 978-1-914287-36-7
eBook: 978-1-914287-37-4
Additional information
Weight | 1 kg |
The Crocodile River
The Crocodile River is the intriguing tale of the life of Pauline Magosvongwe, an ordinary woman who goes on to lead an extraordinary life. Born in a small town in the then colonial Rhodesia, she ends up in the bright, enchanting lights of the United States through a journey filled with a mix of miracles, sadness, but most of all, hope, as she overcomes difficult and sometimes life-threatening circumstances.
Published: 5 November 2022
Page count: 184
Book dimensions: 5.060" x 7.810"
Cover finish: Matte
Interior colour: Black & White on groundwood paper
“…In the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is still a beautiful world.”
– Desiderata
The Crocodile River is the intriguing tale of the life of Pauline Magosvongwe, an ordinary woman who goes on to lead an extraordinary life. Born in a small town in the then colonial Rhodesia, she ends up in the bright, enchanting lights of the United States through a journey filled with a mix of miracles, sadness, but most of all, hope, as she overcomes difficult and sometimes life-threatening circumstances.
Her story simultaneously serves as a historical account of pre-colonial Zimbabwe, backdropped by the social issues that she faced as a young black woman in white minority-ruled Zimbabwe.
A gripping adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish, Pauline’s life is not only awe-inspiring but a lesson in faith and how it can shape one’s life.
Paperback: 978-1-914287-36-7
eBook: 978-1-914287-37-4
Additional information
Weight | 1 kg |
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